第17屆肺癌世界大會(WCLC, World Conference on Lung Cancer)於2016年底在維也納舉辦,Poster Session中有一篇文章提供ALK癌友參考。若有自費吃Ceritinib(Zykadia, LDK378)的癌友,建議一定要看喔!
ref: https://library.iaslc.org/
Phase 1 Study of Ceritinib 450 mg or 600 mg Taken with a Low-Fat Meal versus 750 mg in Fasted State in ALK+ Metastatic NSCLC
R. Dziadziuszko, D. Kim, A. Bearz, S.A. Laurie, M. McKeage, K. Park, S. Kim, V.Q. Passos, K. Osborne, Y.Y. Lau, J. Gu, B.C. Cho
The anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) inhibitor ceritinib is approved at 750 mg fasted for the treatment of patients with ALK-rearranged (ALK+) metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) pretreated with crizotinib. The pharmacokinetic (PK) part of this study (Part 1) compares PK exposure of ceritinib following food consumption versus a fasted state in advanced ALK+ NSCLC patients.
Part 1 of this prospective, open-label, multicenter, randomized, 3-arm, phase 1 study (ASCEND-8; NCT02299505) is investigating PK and safety of ceritinib in advanced ALK+ NSCLC patients, treatment-naïve or pretreated with multiple lines of chemotherapy and/or crizotinib. Here, we compare steady-state PK of ceritinib 450 or 600 mg taken with a low‑fat meal versus ceritinib 750 mg fasted (primary endpoint) and report preliminary safety outcomes from Part 1. Part 2 continues to randomize treatment-naïve patients and will assess safety and efficacy.
As of June 16, 2016 (data cut-off), 137 patients were randomized in a 1:1:1 ratio to each treatment arm; 135 patients received one dose (safety set) and 97 patients had evaluable steady-state PK data. Disease characteristics were comparable between arms. Median follow-up duration was 4.14 months (range, 0.1–13.9). Relative to 750 mg fasted, the 450 mg fed arm demonstrated comparable steady-state PK, while the 600 mg fed arm showed ~25% higher steady-state PK (Table). Preliminary safety data suggests overall frequency of AEs and types of AEs were comparable between arms. However, incidences of gastrointestinal (GI)-related AEs (diarrhea, nausea or vomiting) were lowest, with no grade 3/4 GI AEs reported, in the 450 mg fed arm.
Figure 1
Steady-state PK was comparable in advanced ALK+ NSCLC patients taking ceritinib 450 mg with a low-fat meal versus 750 mg fasted. This study continues to enroll treatment-naïve patients into Part 2 to assess efficacy across the three treatment arms and assess longer safety follow-up.
本研究主要想了解Ceritinib不同服藥方式(空腹狀態 vs. 用餐後)下,藥物動力學的差異。
將ALK+病人分成三組:450mg Ceritinib (隨著低脂食物)、600mg Ceritinib(隨著低脂食物)、750mg Ceritinib(空腹狀態)。
以藥物動力學兩個參數來看,不管是AUC0-24h(24小時血中濃度曲線下面積)或Cmax (血中濃度最大值),450mg飲食組和750mg空腹組的數據均相當,而600mg飲食組則為750mg空腹組的1.25倍。
*藥物副作用的定義是由美國癌症研究院制訂的 Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE, 又稱常見毒性標準), 用於描述病人接受癌症治療後,所發生器官毒性的嚴重度分級。分為輕微 (1級)、中級 (2級)、嚴重(3級), 或致命( 4級)、死亡 ( 5級)。